Your Free Cyber Career Newsletter #5

1. The Secret to Quickly Boosting Your Cybersecurity Resume for FREE🚀

Make a Cybersecurity PORTFOLIO!

A portfolio is a compilation of what you have or are currently learning / doing in IT and Cybersecurity and it is a FANTASTIC way to stand out.

Recruiters and hiring managers love seeing Cybersecurity portfolios!


  • It shows you put extra effort into your career
  • It proves you have the technical capabilities needed for the job
  • It shows you can communicate technical solutions and details

I wrote a guide on how to make a portfolio for FREE, including examples of different types of portfolios!

Check it out!

👉 ​The Secret to Quickly Boosting Your Cybersecurity CV / Resume for FREE​

2. Cybersecurity news you missed: Top 3 Data Breaches of 2023

​Top 3 Data Breaches of 2023​

Quick summary:

  1. MOVEit:
    • Ransomware exploited MOVEit, affecting 62 million individuals and 2,000 organizations, costing $10 billion.
    • Despite patches, the breach persisted, impacting entities like Sony and BBC.
  2. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR):
    • ‘pwn0001′ brokered access to 81.5 million Indian citizens’ records, emphasizing the need for robust data security.
  3. 23andMe:
    • 23andMe reported unauthorized access, compromising 9 million accounts and leaking 5.5 million records.
    • Attackers used credential-stuffing methods, highlighting vulnerabilities in sensitive databases.

3. Cyber Tool Highlight: ​ModSecurity WAF​

ModSecurity is an open source, cross platform web application firewall (WAF) engine for Apache, IIS and Nginx that is developed by Trustwave’s SpiderLabs.

This tool is completely free and open source!

You can combine ModSecurity with ​OWASP’s Core Rule Set​ for a very powerful, free WAF solution!

Check it out!

Interview Question of the Week!

Each week I pose a question that I have personally asked or have been asked in real interviews. Try to answer the question by speaking your response out loud! It may feel weird at first but trust me: it will level up your interview game! Practice makes perfect!

This Week’s Interview Question:

“What is port 22 and why is it important?”

Next week I will write out how I would answer this question, so look out for next weeks newsletter!

Last Week’s Interview Question / Answer:

Question: “As it relates to web security, what does a WAF do?”

Answer: “Web Application Firewall’s helps protect web applications from various cyber threats by monitoring, filtering, and blocking malicious traffic. It acts as a barrier between a web application and the internet, identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other common attack vectors.